Report: Boosting cultural diversity with Tech

15 strategic recommendations to step for more diversity, social inclusion and performance in the tech industry


Seized by the Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, the Minister for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, and the Secretary of State for Digital Transition and Electronic Communications, the members of the French Digital Council, along with Anthony Babkine published the report "Boosting cultural diversity with Tech".


The tech industry is one of the most promising sectors in terms of job creation

Within the context of the French economic recovery plan post the 2020 sanitary crisis, the French Digital Council, along with the diversity expert Anthony Babkine, argues in favor of an ambitious employment public policy in the tech industry.

Fostering diversity in the tech industry means giving to each and everyone, including those traditionally excluded from the labour market, the chance to grasp the highly versatile opportunities offered by digitization. In addition, it will also address the talent shortage tech companies are facing, thus contributing to the French economic performance.


To meet these challenges, the report presents actionable solutions such as :

  • Launch a training program to teach prescribers (Pôle Emploi, Cap Emploi, Local Missions, etc.) about digital skills and careers
  • Create a bachelor's degree dedicated to IT developers
  • Encourage companies to rethink their recruitment policies to fight against stereotypes
  • In order to revitalize regions, create a national task force to forecast digital needs, which would also be represented in French Tech cities

In total, the opinion is divided into three axis :

  • Axis 1: Ensure clear information regarding digital jobs opportunities and postgraduate diplomas
  • Axis 2: Rethink recruitment policies
  • Axis 3: Strength public policies in rural territories


The French Digital Council and Anthony Babkine conducted more than 120 hearings with experts from the worlds of academia, associations, business, students, and public administrations.


