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Paroles de est un espace qui héberge des contenus construits avec des personnes extérieures au Conseil pour faire circuler la parole. Il vise à partager des idées variées, qui participent à interroger la relation des humains au numérique et à fournir de nombreuses clefs de compréhension.


4 result(s) - 1 page(s)

From deep attention to hyper attention, inteview of Katherine Hayles

Katherine Hayles is a distinguished Research Professor. She wrote How We Think. Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis (2016). She explains the shift from deep attention to hyper attention, the role of digital technologies, and the role that education to preserve attention.

Paroles de | 19 January 2022

Vignette Katherine Hayles

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Understanding attention to enable collective action: 4 questions to Marion Thain.

As Director of the Centre for Attention Studies’ at King’s College London and author of Distracted Reading: Acts of Attention in the Age of the Internet (2018), we asked Marion Thain how we can better understand and manage individual attention in the digital era and how to build collective attention…

Paroles de | 05 January 2022

Picture of Marion Thain

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