Jules Ferry 3.0, Building a fair and creative school system in a digital world
On the 3rd of October 2015, the French Digital Council (CNNum) published its recommendations to build a fair and creative school system in a digital world.
The report | Annexes |
Press release (03/10/2014) | Press kit |
Eight axes broken down into 40 recommendations:
- Teach computer science: a requirement
- Set up in the school the digital era literacy
- Dare to experiment the baccalauréat Digital Humanities
- Design a school networked in its territory
- Launch a large research plan to understand the changes of knowledge and inform public policies
- Set up a trusting ground for innovation
- Gain from the French startups' dynamism to launch further our soft power
- Listen to the teachers to build together the digital society's school
Context of the self referral After the report “Citoyens d’une société numérique” ("Citizens of a digital society) that was analyzing the digital as a lever for social inclusion and power to act (november 2013), the French Digital Council identified education as a nodal point. In the continuity of its works on inclusion, the Council thus constitued at the end of 2013 a work group dedicated to education in a digital society, including Sophie Pène, pilot member, Serge Abiteboul, Christine Balagué, Ludovic Blécher, Michel Briand, Cyril Garcia, Francis Jutand, Daniel Kaplan, Pascale Luciani-Boyer, Valérie Peugeot, Nathalie Pujo, Bernard Stiegler, Brigitte Vallée, Council members.
Methodology The works of the group were carried out in respect of the experienced methodology of the Council, based on a large concertation process made of "contributive days" (collective work sessions with external personalities), panels around precise themes and targeted auditions. These meetings permitted to exchange with more than one hundred personalities of the ecosystem "Education and digital", representative of the different stakeholders. The spectrum of actors who accepted to participate in the Council's works is thus including national institutions (Ministry of National Education, CNED, etc.), industrials whether already present or investing in the sector (Belin, Microsoft, etc.), startups (MyBlee, 360Learning, etc.), civil society, associations, researchers, etc.
Contact : presse@cnnumerique.fr Yann Bonnet, General Rapporteur Somalina PA, Assistant General Rapporteur (01 53 44 20 89)
[audio mp3="/files/uploads/2014/10/03102014_FranceInfo_SophiePene.mp3" preload="auto"][/audio]